I've officially been to the U.K....SAY WHAT!
We had a week off from school and I took a trip to London and Ireland. London was so great. It's been on my travel list for what seems forever and I'm so happy I had the chance to go. Getting on the airplane and listening to English accents got me really excited about heading to LONDON TOWN. I continue to say I can't believe I've seen that, but sure enough I have. I don't know who I've become lol. This girl who travels and sees the things she's been dreaming about. I'm constantly reminded how much I want to see the rest of this marvelous world. I'm so lucky, but if I can get to where I am now I know anyone can. It sounds cliche, but I know it's true, if you set your mind to something and really work towards it you can accomplish anything you want. I learned something really important in London. Although things may seems rough and they don't happen the way we want it too I just need to "Keep Calm and Carry On". It's as simple and difficult as that. ^_^
oh that's a BIG BEN |
Hyde Park |
The Tower Bridge |
The London Eye |
On my way to Hogwarts |
London Town sure has it's beauty |
Thanks for reading. Grazie per leggere a dopo....